Today I done maths and it is called maths warm up. just like this photo right on the top of my page this is one of our maths warm up, we need to do two times a day. When the class joins the google meets during lock down period. we start off with the roll first and then we do the maths warm up.It is good for the class, as we like to do it to help us warm up before we go on ixl. we do this twice a day morning and afternoon. until we find out when lock down is finished. this photo is our third picture on here and their are more .After this we do other work for school like proto tec. |
Nice work! It's good to warm up to get the brain ready for the days work, just like before you exercise you need to warm up. Well done!
ReplyDeleteNice to see you doing you lockdown school work. Good to keep the brain exercising as well as the body. Mrs Vaevae